Leaving the Light at Neko Harbor - The light from the sun weakens as it sets behind the mountains in Neko Harbor as we depart for the evening

The light from the sun weakens as it sets behind the mountains in Neko Harbor as we depart for the evening

March 12th, 2014 on Wednesday at 8:30 AM 58.6MP 189x33 Cylindrical 36mm f7.1 200/s ISO200

Neko Harbor, Antarctica Antarctica

Neko Harbor is an inlet on the Antarctic Peninsula on Andvord Bay, situated on the west coast of Graham Land. Neko Harbor was discovered by Belgian explorer Adrien de Gerlache in the early 20th century. It was named for a Norwegian whaling boat, the Neko, which operated in the area between 1911 and 1924.

Mikkelsen Harbor
Mikkelsen Harbor, Antarctica
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March 11th, 2014
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Neko Harbor
Neko Harbor, Antarctica

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